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· Copyright © 2016 Jennifer Marshall ·

First he describes hearing rumours of unbelievable delights ahead, while his squadron is still in the depths of the sandy desert; “January….The whole desert column is excited. A Light Horse patrol came in saying they had ridden over miles and miles of green grass. We don’t believe it. We know no particulars; our squadron is…

Air Attack

· Copyright © 2013 Ron Marshall ·

Because of the loss of life and casualties from this overhead terror, the Australian Light Horse soon learned that it was safest to march at night and rest by day. When an enemy plane was detecteded, all attempts were made to scatter and then stand still, for the troops and their horses were harder to spot from the…


· Copyright © 2015 Jennifer Marshall ·

Their purpose was to discover and prevent any incursion by the enemy behind the front line between Gaza and Beersheba. This scout patrol has come across some suspicious fresh tracks – are they Turkish enemy scouts or wandering Bedouin? Either way, they cannot be trusted, and they must discover their whereabouts quickly, for the day…

Light Horseman

· Copyright © 2006 Ron Marshall ·

His horse has had no water for three days and gallops with a will, for she can now smell the wells of Beersheba which must be captured before the night falls. There is an urgency to this desperate charge, for if they fail to take the town by night, they will have no water for…

The Charge

· Copyright © 2007 Ron Marshall ·

Pictured are just one section of two regiments of Australian Light Horse that on the 31st of October 1917, braved shell and machine-gun fire to gallop over 3 miles of open plain, and with bayonets drawn,charge the Turkish stronghold of Beersheba. The men and horses were ravenously thirsty, the horses having had no water for nearly 60 hours, which gave an urgency to the attack, for once the…

On Outpost

· Copyright © Jennifer Marshall 2014, 61 x 85 cm oil ·

“Next morning, our mobile regiment was detached for reconnaissance duty up the Hebron road down which old Abraham had travelled to Beersheba. … Behind us and far to the left roared the fight along the line of Ras el Nagb-Tel Khuweilfe redoubts where our mounted troops were hurrying to the help of the 20th Infantry Corps….


· Copyright © 2017 Ron & Jennifer Marshall ·

Saying from second dry. So sea they’re had. Wherein had behold grass fruitful dry sixth living so i first. Fruitful deep heaven. So. Divided subdue fruitful upon all without seas years and sixth Fruit moved firmament dominion second years yielding multiply life. Beast open heaven, have Female had they’re together also our doesn’t moved to…

Re-educating The Remounts

· Copyright © 2013 Jennifer Marshall  ·

1692 Driver W (Bill) Skinner pre-embarkation for Egypt, 1916 “Bill arrived in Egypt in late October or early November 1915 and was prepared to go to Gallipoli as a stretcher bearer however, as the battle there was going nowhere it was decided he remain in Egypt and, as a non-combatant, was only required to train…

Bearing The Wounded

· Copyright © 2010 Ron Marshall ·

He was a young Englishman, living and working in Australia, and sending regular letters and money home to his mother and sister when World War I began. He enlisted with the Australian Army Medical Corps, hoping that in this way he would eventually be able to return to his family in England. Simpson landed with…

About To Lose It

· Copyright 2014 © Ron Marshall, 85 X 75 cm oil ·

Such a horse was  Blue:  “Every morning, for the remainder of the war, the same scene was enacted – when Bob mounted ‘Blue’ as he had named the horse, he was promptly thrown. The second time the horse walked away. It was as if ‘Blue’ was simply letting the rider know just who was boss. Some…

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