Rescue And Retreat

· Copyright © 2016 Jennifer Marshall ·


This painting was inspired by accounts of the extraordinary mateship, courage, and endurance of the Australian Light Horse during the Battle of Romani in the Sinai Desert between 3rd and 5th of August 1916. A massive Turkish force, preparing for a second attack on the Suez Canal were advancing on Romani, a crucial group of oasis amid a great waste of sand-dunes 35 km east of the canal

Overwhelmingly outnumbered by the attacking Turkish forces the Light Horsemen were forced to fall back. The retreat was unable to be concealed from the Turks who attacked with renewed zeal shouting ‘Allah, Allah …finish Australia”. As the horse handlers came forward for the Light Horsemen to remount and retreat the Turks were upon them. Many horses floundered in the loose sand, and in the confusion many Light Horsemen became unhorsed. However their comrades, heedless of the danger to themselves galloped back to rescue them and retreatedto the top of the next gigantic sand dune to form another defensive line. The battle continued for 2 days until the Turkish attack collapsed and they retreated.

The Battle of Romani finally put a stop to the Turkish threat to the Suez Canal, and marked the beginning of the British forces’ drive out of Egypt and into Palestine.

January 16, 2020



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