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Light Horse Art

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page. To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted


· Copyright © 2015 Jennifer Marshall ·

On display in Miles Historical Museum is an open diary, of a soldier who wrote from Anzac Cove, his words inspired this painting:- ” …It’s no good saying I wasn’t afraid after the  first intoxication had died down, for I was; at first the shrapnel had me shivering & the hail of bullets made me duck,…

About To Lose It

· Copyright 2014 © Ron Marshall, 85 X 75 cm oil ·

Such a horse was  Blue:  “Every morning, for the remainder of the war, the same scene was enacted – when Bob mounted ‘Blue’ as he had named the horse, he was promptly thrown. The second time the horse walked away. It was as if ‘Blue’ was simply letting the rider know just who was boss. Some…

Best Mates

· Copyright © Jennifer Marshall 2013, 67 x 46 cm pastel ·

For the duration of the time that Australian Light Horseman served during World War One, unless on leave or hospitalized they, of necessity spent most of that time with or in very close proximity to their horses, each depending entirely on the other.  Much time had to be spent in the care of the horses in…

Final Orders

· Copyright © 2006 Jennifer Marshall ·

Bought together by their skill in horsemanship, respect for their forebears, and a determination to keep alive the heritage and spirit of the Australian Light Horse; they share a good yarn and laugh together as comrades, before they enter the arena as competitors. Such was the senario that inspired this pastel painting. To find out more about The Australian…

Waler With Flyveil

· Copyright © 2007 Jennifer Marshall ·

In the Egyptian, Sinai and Palestinian deserts, the Australian Light horsemen often fitted flyveils to their horses headstalls in an effort to protect their eyes from the nuisance and irritation of the flies and other insects which afflicted them and caused discomfort and sometimes infection. It was partly for this reason also that the Australian…

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